
What You Must Know About Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & More:

Almost 75 percent of health and longevity is based on lifestyle, environment, and nutrition. Yet even if you follow a healthful diet, you probably don’t get all the nutrients you need to prevent disease. In What You Must Know About Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & More, Dr. Pamela Smith explains how you can maintain health through the use of nutrients. Part One of this easy-to-use guide discusses the individual nutrients necessary for good health. Part Two offers personalized nutritional programs for people with a wide variety of health concerns. People without prior medical problems can look to Part Three for their supplementation plans. Whether you want to maintain goodhealth or you are trying to overcome...

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Nature’s Prescription: Foods, Vitamins, and Supplements That

Nature’s Prescription: Foods, Vitamins, and Supplements That Prevent Disease Nature’s Prescription: Foods, Vitamins, and Supplements That Prevent Disease Price: $2.97 (as of Oct 22nd, 2023 10:55...

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The Complete Guide to Vitamins, Herbs, and Supplements: The

The Natural Way to Wellness Find essential information on hundreds of vitamins, herbs, and supplements — What will VITAMIN E help cure and how much should I take? Vitamin E can help prevent heart disease and treat acne. Adults should take 100 to 400 IU of natural vitamin E daily. Find vitamin, herb, and supplement treatments for hundreds of conditions! Experiencing migraines? See MAGNESIUM: There is considerable evidence that low magnesiumlevels trigger both migraine and tension headaches. Take250 to 400 milligrams three times daily. Learn about possible interactionswith your prescription drugs! Taking ST. JOHN’S WORT for depression? It may interfere with amphetamines, diet pills, nasaldecongestants, or allergy medications, causingnausea or high blood pressure. Here...

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The New Encyclopedia of Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements, and

This book is the essential reference guide to sorting your way through this maze of information, helping you make informed choices about your health and well being. The New Encyclopedia of Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements, and Herbs: A Completely Cross-Referenced User’s Guide for Optimal Health Price: $1.35 (as of Nov 5th, 2023 12:44...

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The Supplement Handbook: A Trusted Expert’s Guide to What Works

Nearly half of Americans use supplements—and many more are curious about them—yet questions abound. Will feverfew help my migraines? Are there any vitamins that will keep my skin clear? Does lysine really prevent cold sores? Are there herbs I can take to boost my mood? Are any of these things safe?Mark Moyad, MD, MPH is the only physician in the United States who has an endowed position to study vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other supplements. For the past 25 years, he’s been researching supplements, using them in his practice, and traveling the country giving lectures to laypeople and physicians about what works and what’s worthless in the world of drugs and supplements.Based on the...

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