Natural Remedies for Bed Sores


Product Information

Natural Treatments for Bed Sores

Natural Remedies for Bed Sores

Natural Remedies for Bed Sores

While people usually think that bed sores (also known as  Decubitus Ulcers and Pressure Sores) occur with the elderly, it can also occur with any age group.  As long as one is bed-ridden or immobile for a long period of time, bed sores will occur.  This means that the part(s) of the body is in continuous contact with the bed or wheelchair for an extended period of time.  This prevents blood from flowing into the area.

Bed-ridden patients being dragged in the bed causes the skin muscles to stretch and impacts blood circulation.

Symptoms of bed sores start with redness in the impacted area and you will feel pain.  If not treated, the redness will soon turn to purple.  Since there is a lack of blood, the sore eventually opens up and infection will result. The areas around the impacted areas such as muscles and bones will be infected as well.

Areas that are commonly impacted are the buttocks, elbows, hip, shoulder blades, heels and spine.  See the image above for the most common areas of impact.

Since bed sore is not a disease you can catch, it can easily be prevented in the first place. The best way to prevent bed sores from occurring is to move a bed ridden patient into different positions every few hours thus allowing normal blood circulation.

Natural Treatments

However, once bed sore has occurred, take a look a the following to help relieve it:

1 – Perform massages on the affected areas to get the blood flowing during the initial stages of bed sores

2 – Keep the skin dry

3 – Rub vitamin E lotion on the body

4 – Take zinc and vitamins A, B, C, and E

5 – This may sound weird but spray a fine mist of Lysol on the body

6 – Apply honey poultice, sugar, aloe vera, zince oxide ointment, goldenseal, rchinacea powder or comfrey on the infected area.  Cover the area with cotton. This helps to fight any bacteria from the infected area

7 – Mix equal parts of slippery elm and comfrey leaves to make a paste. Wrap the paste with a cloth and apply the cloth to the infected area and leave it overnight.  Repeat this for several nights with a freshly mixed batch.

8 – Wash the sore with a wet cloth dipped in witch hazel and myrrh/turmeric root/goldenseal.  Apply this two to four times a day.  This will help to keep the sore clean and disinfected and will help to speed up healing.

Natural Remedies for Bed Sores – Home Page

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