Natural Remedies for Arthritis


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Natural Remedies for Arthritis

Natural Remedies for Arthritis

Natural Remedies for Arthritis

The type of natural remedies to use depends on what type of arthritis you have.  There are many types of arthritis, but the three most common forms are:

1) Osteoarthritis – Affects the knee, hip, ankle, finger, neck, and spine joints. Your joints are cushioned by a sponge-like fluid called a cartilege.  Osteoarthritis attacks and eats away the cartilege.

2) Rheumatoid Arthritis – Affects the lining of the joints.

3) Psoriatic Arthritis – Affects the joints and causes a skin condition called psoriasis.

Arthritis in general refers to the inflammation of the joint.  Most people suffering from arthritis resort to drugs to help relieve the pain. Consider taking natural remedies for arthritis.

List of Natural Remedies

* Acupuncture – Arthritis pain relief is obtain using very thin needles inserted at strategic points in the body.

* Black Cohosh – use the dried root part to treat Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.

* Bogbean – used for treating Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.

* Capsaicin – Look for the cream variety where you apply it topically on the affected area.

* Cinnamon – Cinnamon helps to reduce inflammation in the joints.

* Chondroitin – Helps to rebuild the fluid in the joints.

* Exercise – By exercising regularly, muscles are constantly being worked on so they don’t become weak and stiff.

* Evening Primrose oil – A very strong anti-inflammatory agent.  Studies have shown that athritis pain have been reduced by 50%.

* Extra Virgin Olive Oil – Helps to reduce inflammation in the joints.

* Ginger – Ginger treats Osteoarthritis arthritis. The strong anti-inflammatory effects of gingerols reduces pain and swelling in the knees.  One thing to keep in mind is that if you are already taking blood thinning medication, ginger also thins blood.  Consult a physician first.

* Glucosamine – Taking glucosamine supplements helps to reduce joint pains and treats Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.  Most importantly it helps the regeneration of connective tissues (rebuilding of the cartilege).

* Omega 3 Fatty Acids – Best for Rheumatoid arthritis. Omega 3 can be found in fish.  If you don’t like fish, you can take supplements.

* Turmeric – treats Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.

* Urtication – This rather strange natural remedies for arthritis treatment uses a plant called Stinging Nettle (also called Urtica Dioica).  The underside of the stinging nettle leaves contains tiny prickly hair which contains formic acid, seratonin, histamines, and acetylchlorine.  The stinging nettles are lashed against the arthritic joint.  The tiny prickly hairs injects the chemicals into the infected area.  Sufferers using this technique has reported a very high success rate in treating their arthritis.

* Taking Vitamin B helps to reduce pain mainly in the knees.

* Taking Vitamins C (18 grams/day) helps to prevent further damages to knees. Vitamin C helps to eradicate free radicals which are caused by damaged knee cartilege.  The free radicals in turns further attacks the knee cartilege.

* Taking Vitamin D and calcium help to promote the bone-building process.  Take care not to take too much Vitamin D as it can become toxic.  Check with your physician on how much Vitamin D you can take.

* Taking Vitamin E helps to treat osteoarthritis arthritis.

As you can see from the above, there are many natural remedies for arthritis for you to try out. Before proceeding with any of the above natural remedies for arthritis, please check with your physician to ensure that the natural remedies will work OK with any arthritis medication you may be taking. You don’t want one to negate the effect of the other.

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