Natural Remedies for Anxiety


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Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Natural Remedies for Anxiety – Green Tea

If you suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, intense fear, depression, feeling of losing control, check with your doctor before taking any over the counter drugs as there may be side effects.  For a safer method, with no side effects, why not consider natural remedies?

In order to determine what kind of natural treatments you should follow, you need to understand the causes of your anxiety. Some of the causes include an hyper active thyroid gland, stressful events such as a death in the family, job loss, relocating, breakups, etc., and anxieties occurring in your parents (history). Anxiety can affect both mind (emotional/psychological) and the physical body. Most of the anxiety cases are of the emotional/psychological type. When experiencing panic attacks, you may feel that your heart beat is racing and feel that you may be having a heart attack.

Natural Remedies

* Relaxation Exercises – Everyone goes through some form of anxiety but it’s learning how to cope with it that you will have it under control. Such techniques include taking relaxation classes (yoga) that re-balances the mind and body.

* Green Tea – Most notably, L-Theanine is very effective in controlling anxiety and its symptoms.  Green tea contain high content of L-Theanine.  Drink a cup or two of hot green tea and you will feel its calming effects. Other positive effects of L-Theanine includes improvement in concentration, maintain immune system, keep blood pressure under control, and increase learning capabilities of the brain.

* Rhodiola Rosea (Golden Root) – It helps to reduce stress and depression.  As well, it builds physical endurance,  longevity, treats high attitude sickness.

* Valerian – Contains valerenic acid which treats almost any kind of mood disorder. To be most effective, take valerian with passion flower.

* Passiflora Incarnata and St. John’s Wort – Another favorite is using a mixture of Passiflora and St. John’s Wort.

* Hypnotherapy – Hypnotherapy is used to get at the root of anxiety which eminates from the brain.

If your anxiety is severe, first seek out a medical specialist for assistance.  Always keep a positive mind, there is no use worrying over things that is completely out of your control.  You may also want to seek out support groups where you can talk out your anxiety.  Sometimes just by letting things off your chest may help your anxiety situation.

For mild anxiety, now is the time to take back your life and return to a state of calmness by going the natural treatments route.

Natural Remedies for Anxiety – Home Page

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