Natural Remedies for Bed Sores

Natural Treatments for Bed Sores While people usually think that bed sores (also known as  Decubitus Ulcers and Pressure Sores) occur with the elderly, it can also occur with any age group.  As long as one is bed-ridden or immobile for a long period of time, bed sores will occur.  This means that the part(s) of the body is in continuous contact with the bed or wheelchair for an extended period of time.  This prevents blood from flowing into the area. Bed-ridden patients being dragged in the bed causes the skin muscles to stretch and impacts blood circulation. Symptoms of bed sores start with redness in the impacted area and you will feel pain.  If not treated, the...

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Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure

Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure Many people are seeking natural remedies for high blood pressure as they are looking for alternatives to prescription medicine which are costly and have side effects. If high blood pressure is not treated, this can lead to kidney probelsm, stroke, and heart disease.  As always, before proceeding with natural remedies for high blood pressure, consult with your doctor first. List of Natural Remedies * Squeeze half a lemon and add the juice into a glass of water. Drink several glasses a day (2-3 hours apart). * Mix honey and a tablespoon of gooseberry juice in a glass of watter.  Drink one glass in the morning when you wake up....

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Natural Remedies for Asthma

Natural Remedies for Asthma Consider using natural remedies to treat/control your respiratory problem. Asthma is characterized by difficulty with breathing, wheezing sounds, chest tightness, sore throat, shortness of breath, and dry coughing.  This is due to inflammation and narrowing of the airways of the lungs.  When asthma gets severe, you get an asthma attack which can be fatal.  A Ventolin inhaler (drug prescription medication) is commonly used to treat asthma by relaxing the airways thereby allowing you to breathe easier. However, there are side effects plus you will need to be careful if you are taking other medications.  Asthma is a chronic disease and cannot be cured but can be treated and controlled. List of Natural Remedies...

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Natural Remedies for Arthritis

Natural Remedies for Arthritis The type of natural remedies to use depends on what type of arthritis you have.  There are many types of arthritis, but the three most common forms are: 1) Osteoarthritis – Affects the knee, hip, ankle, finger, neck, and spine joints. Your joints are cushioned by a sponge-like fluid called a cartilege.  Osteoarthritis attacks and eats away the cartilege. 2) Rheumatoid Arthritis – Affects the lining of the joints. 3) Psoriatic Arthritis – Affects the joints and causes a skin condition called psoriasis. Arthritis in general refers to the inflammation of the joint.  Most people suffering from arthritis resort to drugs to help relieve the pain. Consider taking natural remedies for arthritis. List of...

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Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Natural Remedies for Anxiety If you suffer from anxiety, panic attacks, intense fear, depression, feeling of losing control, check with your doctor before taking any over the counter drugs as there may be side effects.  For a safer method, with no side effects, why not consider natural remedies? In order to determine what kind of natural treatments you should follow, you need to understand the causes of your anxiety. Some of the causes include an hyper active thyroid gland, stressful events such as a death in the family, job loss, relocating, breakups, etc., and anxieties occurring in your parents (history). Anxiety can affect both mind (emotional/psychological) and the physical body. Most of the anxiety...

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Natural Remedies for Anemia

Natural Remedies for Anemia Believe it or not, but there are natural remedies for anemia. There are many causes of Anemia but the main one is iron deficiency in the blood.  What better way to treat anemia than using natural treatments. Other causes of anemia includes: * Large amount of blood loss (hemorrhage). * Destruction of large amount of red blood cell (hemolysis). * Low red blood cell count. * Less than normal amount of oxygen in the red blood cells. * Poor eating habits (diet). * Decreased hemogoblin count in the blood. * Disease * Bad reaction to medications. Women tend to be at a higher risk due to pregnancy, menstruation and other factor....

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Natural Remedies for Allergies

Natural Remedies for Allergies In a 2010 study, there were more then 300 million people world-wide suffering from some form of allergies and this number is increasing.  Before running off to your pharmacy to purchase some antihistamine,  take a look at some natural remedies for allergies here.  There are no side effects going with natural treatments.  With medicine, you may encounter side-effects such as drowsiness and overall tiredness. Allergies can be caused in the air (pollen, dust mites), food (nuts, shellfish, milk, chocolate, eggs), mold, seasonal (the infamous hay fever), animals, medications (Penicillin), stress, and clothings (latex).  These allergy causing elements are called allergens.  Allergies can also be inherited. Under normal conditions, the body treat these allergens as...

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Natural Remedies for ADHD

Natural Remedies for ADHD Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition where an individual finds it difficult to stay focus on a task. This disorder affects mainly children but can occur in adults as well.  As such, natural treatments for ADHD for children is safe with no side effects versus prescription medicine. Prescribed and over the counter medicines such as Ritalin, Concerta, and Adderall are used to treat ADHD.  However, long term use of these products has been known to cause serious effects on the brain.  Addiction to these products is also another side effect. This is why more and more parents are looking at natural remedies to treat their children.  There are debates (as always) on...

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Natural Remedies for Acne

Natural Remedies for Acne Before you purchase the various acne medications and treatments, consider trying some natural medication for acne first. Acne is a skin condition (usually on the face) that can appear as pimples or as complex as red, blocked pores.  In the worst cases they can leave scars around the affected area.  Acne also affects people of all ages, gender and race.  But a majority are people in their teens when they are going through puberty.  This is the period where the body undergoes hormonal changes in the road to adulthood.  The body starts to over produce an oily substance called sebum.  This makes the skin feel more “oily” and pores to be clogged and hence the formation...

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