Alternative Natural Medicine


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Alternative Natural Medicine

Alternative Natural Medicine

Alternative Natural Medicine – 100% Natural Home-Made

Going to a hospital or clinic just to have a doctor take a look at your sore throat, flu or fever and then being prescribed for costly prescription drugs is no fun. The worst is being diagnosed with a mild fever. One resolution to deal with common health related ailments can be found right under your nose at home. This is non other than alternative natural medicine in the form of herbs that you can make right in your kitchen.

Natural Medicine Truths

Natural medicine are more safe to use than traditional medicine. Even doctors, the defenders of traditional medicine, approve natural medicine for use by their patients. Most people don’t make their own natural medicine at home. In fact, if you look around your shopping malls or streets, there are herbal/health stores around that will carry natural medicine in the form of supplements.  You need to be careful that some products may not be safe to use so read the labels carefully and ensure that the product comes from well known companies. If you do want to make your own natural medicines, you can purchase 100% natural ingredients from your local herbalist.  At least by making your own natural medicine, you know they will relatively be safe to use.

Preparation Tips

The first step in preparing your own natural medicine is to use clean ladles and pans.  They should not be made out of steel or metal to avoid any chemical contamination when you do your mixing.

Pepper, Onion, Garlic – Anti-Oxidants to Clean Out Your System

A lot of spices in your kitchen are considered anti-oxident which is great in cleaning out your internal system. What are they?  Some are pepper seeds, onion and garlic. The best thing is to just add them to your meals or create a health drink from them. To make the drink just wash them and cut them up.  Boil them in water and let it stand for a few minutes.  Voila, you have an instant healthy anti-oxidant drink with no side-effects.  And it’s all 100% natural.

Ginseng – The Chinese Secret

It wasn’t too long ago that no one heard of Ginseng.  Now, it is one of the most widely used herbal medicine today for body healing.  Some of the effects of Ginseng: helps the body to relax, reduces stress. aids the body to recover from diseases, enhances mental and physical performances, lower cholesterol level, and builds the body’s resistence to common health ailments.

You can purchase the Ginseng roots from your health store or your local Chinese herbal shop.  Cut it up into small slices and add it to your tea.  You can even put the root into a bottle of water and let it stand for a while to get the Gingseng extract out.

Making your own natural cure is more easier than you think.

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