Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure


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Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure

Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure

Natural Remedies for High Blood Pressure

Many people are seeking natural remedies for high blood pressure as they are looking for alternatives to prescription medicine which are costly and have side effects. If high blood pressure is not treated, this can lead to kidney probelsm, stroke, and heart disease.  As always, before proceeding with natural remedies for high blood pressure, consult with your doctor first.

List of Natural Remedies

* Squeeze half a lemon and add the juice into a glass of water. Drink several glasses a day (2-3 hours apart).

* Mix honey and a tablespoon of gooseberry juice in a glass of watter.  Drink one glass in the morning when you wake up. The gooseberry juice helps to improve blood circulation.

* Add a tablespoon of fengreek seeds to a glass of water.  Drink two glasses a day (Once in the morning and once before you go to sleep). Do this for about a month and you will see your blood pressure go down.

* Eat some fresh papaya everyday.

* Add garlic (1-2 cloves) to your meals daily.  Garlic is very well known to lower high blood pressure.  Do this for about 3 months and you will see a significant decrease in your blood pressure.

* Relaxation can help in lowering your blood pressure.  Exercise and take up yoga/meditation.  Even walking one hour a day helps.  Lower your stress and anxiety levels as they are known to increase blood pressure levels.

* If you smoke, cut down or quit.

* Take CoEnzyme Q10 (CoQ10) comes in a spray form that you spray into your mouth applied after each meal.  This helps to normalize blood pressure.

* Vitamins  – Vitamin C (1000mg), Vitamin B6, Magnesium (500 mg)

* Decrease the use of salt as salt is linked to high blood pressure.

* Other herbs – Fennel, oregano, black pepper, basil, hawthorne, hyssop, guelder rose bark, tarragon, and ginger all contains elements that helps lower blood pressure.

* Believe it or not, eating one bar of dark chocolate will help to lower blood pressure.  It has to be dark chocolate.  Actually, it’s the flavinoid in the dark chocolate that has the effect of lowering blood pressure.

* Acupuncture

* Pomegranate juice

* Passion flower – has a calming effect on the body.

Try the above natural remedies.  You may find one that will work for you.

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